Post Irma Update

It’s been a crazy couple weeks here in SWFL. The first week watching and waiting to see what Hurricane Irma was all about and where she would end up. We hunkered down with family through the worst of it. In the midst of Irma though we developed a wicked case of food poisoning 🤢 It has run its course through EVERYONE with some of us enjoying a second round. Happy to say we have had power for several days. Waiting for schools to open back up on Monday as so many were utilized as shelters. We were very lucky compared to my friends and coworkers who live in counties south of us. 

Now things are slowly returning to normal: still lots of empty shelfs at the grocery stores as so many had to toss everything due to extended power loss and it’s hit or miss finding gas stations with gas for sale. I’m just happy that we all made it and still have roofs over our heads ❤️

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